Wednesday 13 May 2015

Hello again. Today there will not be any photos however I will try to upload pictures from my real horsey life as well! Tomorrow I am riding a gorgeous Black warmblood x Irish sport horse mare, who I might share, although it is unlikely as the whole share/livery costs are WAAAY too expensive. However, if I do well in exams, a horse may be possible....... =)

So yeah. that's a bit on my horsey life. I ride 2-3 times a week in Surrey and Hyde Park (YAY!) and my favourite ponies are Blazer, Annie, Troy (boy) Curtis (squirtis =)) and Barry baz. But, above all of these, my very favourite is THE CENTI OF EXTREME AWSOMENESS!!!!!! Because, ya, he is just Centi, and he is just perfect...... I'm training my baby long-reining and will be teaching him to pull a carriage soon (yay) because, let's face it, I'm going to outgrow him (he's 13.2hh) so if I train him in a little cart he won't properly have to retire!!!! So yeah I'll be seeing him at half term, but meanwhile i'm going to the amazing Windsor Horse Show on Saturday with a friend.


Once more on the Model horsey front, THERE IS NO UHH (utterly horse hullabaloo) THIS YEAR soooooo I might just die. I've made a setup for Model Horse Tutorials Blog, and will have pictures soon, but it will have to wait a year to be shown (guessing that there even will be a 2016 UHH) so yeah I'm sure you understand my misery. But for now, that's al I have to say, so Good Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

=)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =)  =) 

Tuesday 12 May 2015

INACTIVENESS!!!!!!! (and shame :( )

Okay. I've got it. I haven't posted for months. I'm sorry, please forgive me! :'( lol.
I will try to be more active, and I should more or less manage, even though I have exams coming up in two weeks so I'm pretty head-over-heels revising.... aaaaaargh I hate exams so much :'(

Anyways, so loads has happened. My tack has improved considerably, though I wouldn't really say as much for my customizing skill lol! I have resculpted one horse, but being a perfectionist like me I had to redo the mane :( so hopefully that will be done soon. Meanwhile I am out of primer so that has slowed things down a considerable amount. But anyways, today I'm just going to show you some tack, and I MIGHT post a tutorial depending on how much homework I have. SO yeah, first I'm gonna point you to the website which I made with my friend from Model horse Tutorials blog, (who is awesome). It is called 'Four Hooves Model Saddlery and Rugs' and we sell tack for breyer traditional or stones, 1:9 resins etc., as well as a few bits and pieces for Schleich/pebbles 1:24 scale. The site is still under construction, so bear with us if there is a lack of photos/ products, but that will be fixed soon, so if you like you should still be able to place an order or send us an email. (my friend will probably reply, she is generally more organized and reliable than me oops :)

Some things that we will sell....
  • Lovely hand sewn rugs (custom made)
  • Racing bridles
  • Dressage bridles
  • Jumping bridles
  • Casual bridles
  • Martingales
  • Breastplates
  • Boots (open front and xc)
  • Headcollars
And hopefully still more to come.                                                   ^^^^Please note that all of the above come in variable sizes, colour and style, depending on your personal preferences. If there is anything you would like to add, feel free to contact us.


Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy.....


Bye!! See you next time!!!
BTW these pics are examples as to what you can buy from our website.....